An Introduction to SAP GRC Access Control

6 min readMay 6, 2020


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SAP Governance, Risk, and Compliance (SAP GRC) is an amazing SAP security instrument that can be utilized to guarantee your organization meets information security and approval gauges.

One instrument in the arrangement that helps this is SAP GRC Access Control.


There are a few key advantages to this apparatus: (1) to forestall and distinguish access and approval hazards in cross-endeavor SAP frameworks to forestall misrepresentation, and (2) to diminish the expense of consistent consistence and control.

With its incorporated hazard examination and work process motor, SAP GRC Access Control diminishes the time required to identify, remediate, and affirm access across various IT frameworks. It offers a brought together solicitation and endorsement process with incorporations to HR frameworks, (for example, SAP ERP HCM) to help the client life cycle process from recruit to resign. Whenever assessed get to is required for a brief timeframe, impermanent access can be looked at and assessed and checked by a director.

Access Risk Analysis

It’s critical to separate and control approvals a client gets the chance to be consistent with Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and different laws and guidelines. The Access Risk Analysis (ARA) modules let you distinguish and identify get to infringement in the whole endeavor. It can check for SoD infringement, basic exchanges and approvals, and basic jobs and profiles.

To check these infringement, the ARA module utilizes a standard set that contains the meaning of the basic approvals. The framework thinks about the characterized rules from the standard set with the approval in scope (e.g., a client, a job, a profile) and reports any infringement that may happen.

Access Request Management

In a conventional association, get to is allowed in the wake of finishing paper shapes that were sent through the association lastly advanced toward IT security. The IT security overseer at that point gives the entrance physically. Checking for consistence and discernibility were both constrained. During the manual endorsement process on paper, by what method can the underwriter recognize potential dangers that a task would make? Additionally, the endorsement procedure regularly takes a few days to finish, contingent upon the size and unpredictability of the association.

With Access Request Management (ARM), a client can demand access through a work process based module. At the point when an entrance demand is submitted, it takes a predefined way and takes into consideration different endorsements and security checks. Since the ARM module is integrated with the ARA module, the approver can execute consistence checks as an entrance chance investigation to distinguish potential dangers before they even happen.

You can tweak the work process to mirror your organization’s approaches. Jobs and approvals are naturally logged when the entrance demands are endorsed for future reference and review purposes. ARM guarantees corporate responsibility and consistence with SOX, alongside different laws and guidelines.

Business Role Management

With Business Role Management (BRM), a venture can actualize certain means engaged with the lifetime of a job. From job creation, for which BRM permits you to apply naming shows, performing job refreshes with the endorsement from a job content approver, right to giving the credits to job provisioning, BRM underpins the existence pattern of a job.

BRM engages job proprietors to be associated with the job building process, to run chance investigation before the job’s conveyed, and to report job testing.

With its business job idea, BRM offers the capacity to make framework autonomous virtual jobs to disentangle the specialized job task in the backend framework. The idea is like that of composite jobs, yet it isn’t confined to a solitary framework.

The business job build is just known in SAP GRC Access Control, however it very well may be imparted to SAP Identity Management in a coordinated provisioning situation. At the point when a business job is alloted to a client, the framework disseminates the specialized job assignments to different backend frameworks, either through the CUA or straightforwardly. The backend framework, be that as it may, doesn’t have the foggiest idea about that the job task originates from a business job.

Emergency Access Management

With Emergency Access Management (EAM), a client can perform crisis exercises outside their standard jobs. The client plays out the crisis exercises in a controlled and completely auditable condition by looking at a fireman ID. The application takes into consideration a fireman ID that gives the client (fireman) wide yet controlled access. All exercises that are acted with regards to the fireman ID are logged and can be audited.

The fireman ID ordinarily becomes possibly the most important factor in crisis circumstances wherein it’s basic to execute certain assignments. These errands are for the most part independent of SoD infringement and access hazard infringement. Joining with the ARM module permits you to control the task of fireman IDs and the log report survey work process.

Isolation of Duties Management Process

The objective of the SoD the board procedure is to take out or if nothing else lessen the chance of mistakes and extortion. Since a solitary client won’t approach a few periods of a specific business process, the administration of such dangers is significant.

To accomplish detachment of obligations, a business procedure must be separated, disseminated, and distributed among different people. This is completed in three separate stages, and SAP GRC Access Control is a perfect apparatus to help this procedure:

Stage 1

Hazard acknowledgment

In this initial step, you characterize an elevated level rundown of relevant SOD clashes that permit misrepresentation or create critical blunders. The result of this progression is that your business has figured out what is an inadmissible hazard that they need to cover and oversee by means of remediation or alleviation. This progression is completed outside the framework and incorporates a principal comprehension of business procedures and its vulnerabilities.

Rule building and approval

In the subsequent advance, you assemble the specialized standard set dependent on the perceived dangers from stage 1. The result of this progression is the specialized standard set that permits you to examine and distinguish hazards on clients, jobs, or profiles. The specialized standard set is worked in the ARA module.

Stage 2

Hazard investigation

The initial phase in stage 2 is to break down the consequence of the hazard investigation. The ARA module permits you to play out a hazard examination against clients, jobs, profiles, and even HR objects (positions, occupations, and so forth.). The aftereffect of the hazard investigation will recognize if a solitary client, a solitary job, a solitary profile, or a vocation/position can play out any of the clashing capacities characterized in sync 1. As a security manager, you can utilize the outcomes to give the business knowledge into choices for adjusting or taking out found dangers.


This is one of the most significant strides simultaneously. The objective is to remediate the event of the contention on a client level. It would be ideal if you note, the event of a SoD struggle happens the most when doled out to a client. In this manner, assess whether the clashing errands can be isolated to another client.

In this progression, job changes and reassignment of jobs becomes essential in light of the fact that at exactly that point is a hard remediation of access infringement conceivable. The aftereffect of this progression is to diminish the quantity of contentions to a base with the goal that lone a couple of must be moderated.


On the off chance that remediation is beyond the realm of imagination, the rest of the dangers must be relieved. Alleviation requires a conventional depiction and activity to properly moderate the hazard. Much of the time, moderation is accomplished by executing extra observing methods that guarantee to remunerate the hazard after an activity occurred. Relieving activities are much of the time performed after an occasion occurred. Along these lines, it’s prescribed to utilize alleviations as meager as could reasonably be expected.

Stage 3

Nonstop consistence

In this last stage, it’s imperative to build up a constant procedure wherein each entrance demand is evaluated against the SoD struggle lattice before provisioning. Also, ensure that all job changes experience the hazard investigation and are remediated before opening up to end clients. The outcome is that your framework stays clean from infringement.


In this blog, you were acquainted with SAP GRC Access Control and the manners in which it can give approval to clients. This dividing of access is a significant piece of any great security scene — subsequent to understanding this, you ought to have a superior comprehension at how you can give approvals on a transitory or inconclusive premise.




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